Vision, Mission, and Values
Our Vision
The Learning Alliance believes that the children of New Mexico should have access to the best education possible. We will work together to ensure that all students in New Mexico—regardless of race, cultural heritage, academic ability, location, or economic class—have choices upon high school graduation that allow them to fully participate in their communities, the workplace, and across the multi-national state of New Mexico.
Our Mission
To create an effective, community-focused, transformative education sector in New Mexico.
Learning Alliance fulfills its mission by providing the following:
Trustworthy Information: Increase the effectiveness of leaders and reform efforts by providing credible, trustworthy resources and data analysis.
Learning Opportunities: Utilize webinars, learning circles, and leadership development on critical education issues to make informed decisions at the school, district, and state levels.
Dynamic Networks: Build public will by supporting the development and mobilization of networks around shared agendas and values.
Collective Leadership and Collective Impact: Facilitate coordinated strategies to improve education and address issues important to communities.
Our Values
The Learning Alliance has adopted the following Values Framework to assess the potential of educational reforms.
Achievement and Equity: consider the needs of each student to improve achievement
Our most vulnerable students are at the core of our work. Transformative approaches improve educational opportunities for all students. It is essential that we design educational strategies around the needs of the students with the greatest challenges to ensure that reforms improve achievement for everyone.
World View: commit to global education and multilingualism
New Mexico is inherently multicultural with 22 sovereign nations and a shared border with Mexico. Our education system must be designed around a commitment to global education and multilingualism.
Holistic: use a human-focused approach to develop the social, emotional and intellectual well-being of students
We are student-centered, recognizing that schools play a critical role in the development of our children, including academic and lifelong learning skills. We believe that social-emotional development must be taken into consideration in supporting students’ academic achievement. Educational opportunities should be designed around the context of students’ lives and environments.
Asset-Based Innovation: magnify current New Mexican strengths and introduce promising national best practices
We believe that we must draw on the strengths of New Mexico in education strategies. We must draw from the innovators and educational leaders in our state, while effectively adapting the most promising national reforms to the New Mexico context.
Respectful: honor the roles and values of community stakeholders
Transformative approaches must take into consideration the roles and values of the many stakeholders that are central to the success of our students. Tribal sovereignty and self-determination must be considered in shaping reforms. Families—their aspirations, values, and resources—are integral to the success of students. Teachers and other educational leaders need supports, feedback, and enabling work environments to offer excellence in teaching our children. Employers offer invaluable expertise and opportunities to ensure that our children are prepared for college and careers.
Urgency: drive effective implementation as quickly as possible
We value high-leverage reforms that drive toward excellence. We seek to increase the capacity of districts and schools to innovate around the needs of their students. Effective use of data in decision making, including understanding the broader context, is vital in driving for improvements.